Q:  My child is 3 years old and people cannot understand anything he says. Should I be concerned?

A:  You should take your child to the school speech/language therapist and have an assessment completed to see if your child requires services.  It is normal for young children that are beginning to talk to have some speech errors.

Q:  I think my child might be having difficulty with his hearing, where do I go for help?

A:  A Speech/Language Therapist can give your child a hearing test.  If your child does not pass the test she/he will refer you to your family Dr. or to an Ear, Nose, and Throat Dr.

Q:  What can I do to help my child that stutters?

A:  Accept your child's stuttering. The more tension your child feels, the more likely your child will stutter. Model slow, easy speech.

Q:  When should a child be able to produce the r sound correctly?

A:  On Sander's Developmental Articulation Chart 90% of children should be able to produce the r at 6 years of age.
